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Ein Film von Margit Eschenbach

deutsch      polnisch

What remains for someone whose homeland is irrecoverable?
Former refugee children from Germany – three women and two men – give their accounts of what the loss of one’s homeland means to them – then and now.
Margit Eschenbach broaches this subject with such elucidation and serenity, with an inquisitiveness for tales and narratives, highly uncommon when dealing with the emotive term “expulsion”. It is the hushed tones and nuances in the witnesses’ perspectives which captivate here and unbar a space for the destiny shared by many of the 16 million refugees and exiles.
( Axel Doßmann )

Besonderen Dank an die ZeitzeugInnen:

Hans Georg Büttner
Sophie Gräfin zu Dohna-Schlobitten
Astrid Keller Fischer
Charlotte Petri
Falko Riedel

Buch Regie Kamera:
  Margit Eschenbach
  Clemens Seiz
  Stefan Weeke
  Gregg Skerman
  Margit Eschenbach
D / CH   2007
  Länge 50 Min

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